Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Growing Up

The weekly challenge on UKScrappers this week was set by the Butterfly Bonanza's, they challenged us to:

Design your own sketch based on packaging, a film poster or a book cover ~ 10 points ~ yes
Include something transforming ~ 10 points ~ yes (my eldest nephew as he grows up)
Use spring colours ~ 5 points ~ yes (my garden's only got orange and green in it ATM)
Use something gold ~ 5 points ~ yes (pen for the swirls and brads)

I found this film poster on the net and did the following sketch from it

I then found some photos of my eldest nephew as he was growing up, printed the latest one so it would almost fill one side and went with that for my theme. The journalling tells of some of the many things I just love about him ~ his sense of humour, his caring nature, his dimples .....

I'm planning on doing a LO of his sister now and will do one of his younger brother once he's a little more grown up as he's only just turned one.

Thanks for looking
Take care, love and hugs
Sarah C xoxoxo


Mrs N said...

That's a really cool l.o.! And the film 'Wild Child' - how appropriate!! ;-) Fab x

Sian said...

Oh wow, fabby LO Sarah, great photos.