Friday, 31 July 2009

Award from Vicki

The lovely Vicki has given me a blog award today. Thank you Vicki

So, what are the rules?

1) Copy the award and post it on your blog
2) Link it back to the person you received it from
3) List 10 things you love about blogging
4) Pass it along to 10 blog pals


Here's my 10 things I love about blogging (in no particular order):

1) I've made loads of really lovely friends
2) I've learnt lots of different techniques and stuff
3) It and the lovely peeps out there, have given me the confidence to show off my (good and bad) work to the world
4) I've been brave enough to try out for design teams and be successful in some cases
5) I love getting comments from you all. It's encouraging that you take the time to look, read and reply.
6) I love seeing what others have done ~ crafty and non-crafty
7) Seeing your photos has helped me to broaden my horizons when I take my camera out.
8) I can ramble on here and I can't hear you telling me to shut-up or see you yawning!! LOL
9) I love being able to send you all hugs and love during your happy and sad times. It makes me realise that the world is full of nice people
10) I love blogging because of people like you

So, who am I tagging? Which 10 do I pick? Well, randomly picked, here's my victims:

1) Tee
2) Ruth
5) Lea
8) Debz
10) Sammie

I hope you all accept this from me.


Debbie said...

Hi Sarah - aww thanks for thinking of me - you are kind. :)

Yip got to agree with you on your 10 reasons - blogging is a fabby way of meeting new friends and techinques. :)

Will post my award from you soon. ;)


tee said...

Thanks so much for the blog award! Love your answers too! xTee

Mrs N said...

lol I love no.8 :-)