Saturday, 18 July 2009

Oh La La! Juliet Gets Distressed in France

I've sent Juliet to France for the latest challenge on Dottie's World. Set by Lou she says:

"The 14th of July marks the French public holiday of Bastille Day so to join the French in their celebrations I would like us to make something with a French feel. It could be the image, it could be a French sentiment or it could just make you say Oh La La! It might even be just in the colours of the French flag (red, white and blue), it's up to you! Just have fun! Oh and don't forget to use one of the Charmed downloads!"

I had a Juliet image (from the Girls About Town download bundle from Charmed) already printed, so decided to colour her in using my brush markers and blender pen. I stuck to the colours red and blue. I also coloured a sentiment I had printed ages ago in blue. Rummaging through my PPs I found a French sheet, but the image was too bright and looked wrong with it. So, out comes my walnut ink distressing dauber and I covered both the image and sentiment plus I tinted a blue bloom with it. A piece of ribbon, a red bloom and an antique coloured brad and my card was done.

Thanks for looking


brenda said...

Hi Sarah, love the colours here and great layout, I'm not a scrapbooker so love to see what people create.

B x

Sheila said...

Great card Sarah, I love the image you picked, she looks like she havin a wonderful time browsing round all the Parisian shops :).
Thanks for joing us over on Dottie's World.
Sheila xx

Sammi said...

Great colours!! I Love that image!! :)
mm... shopping in Paris :)

Karen Mortensen said...

Great card Sarah and fabulous distressing. It goes really well with the Paris theme.

Good luck in the Crafty Goings On draw!

Louly said...

Oh la la! What a beauty! I like the distressed oldy worldy look - ACE!

Adele said...

Oh, great card. Love the colours and the distressed look- just the whole "feel" of it!

Thank you for playing along with Dottie's World Sarah!
