Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Specs Appeal

I just lurve my new specs and thought I'ld share them with you. Unfortunately they were still attached to me at the time of this photo, so you get to see me too LOL

I have got some optical sunglasses as well, but the photo came out even worse than this one! If I get a good piccie, I'll show you as they're funky purple.


Mellie said...

They look lovely Sarah. Very nice indeed.

Debbie said...

Great specs there Sarah - they look very trendy and they really suit you too. ;) :) :)

Debbie x

Debbie said...

Great specs there Sarah - they look very trendy and they really suit you too. ;) :) :)

Debbie x

Sian said...

Great glasses, you look very intelligent!!! In your profile photo you look very cheeky!!!!!! LOL ;)

Marlou McAlees said...

ooooh love your new specs Sarah and you look fab in them :) x

Ana Baird said...

Lovely picture! Great glasses!

Donna said...

Love the specs sarah, very modern, you look really well in them. x

Karen Mortensen said...

They really suit you Sarah. I've got some almost ientical (great minds eh?).
Great picture of you xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic of you Sarah, very nice glasses too!