Thursday, 30 July 2009

A LO 'Just Because' ~ sort of

I had a go at doing a LO for a competition, but once I'd finished it, I decided it wasn't what the sort of LO I wanted to enter IYKWIM? So, here it is and I have the week-end to do another. Thinking cap's on again!

The 'Happy Birthday' is ribbon, the 'Now 11' is done by sticking tiny blue gems onto red ribbon. PPs are Basic Grey Cupcake and blooms are Green Tara.

Thanks for looking


honora2929 said...

Hi sarah ,love the layers of paper and that flower looks really effective .

brenda said...

Hi Sarah, well I like the layout and the colour scheme, but know what you mean if you don't feel happy with it.

Hope you are getting along with those stamps now.

Signing off now, but will touch base soon as I'm back.

B x

Sian said...

Wonderful LO, love the colours :)

Sian said...

Wonderful LO, love the colours :)