This is an old post that I realised I had taken off my blog as the LO went for publication in a DOCraft magazine. Well, it's been published now, so I can put the LO back on here.
Here's the original post:
I felt like doing a LO last night and thought I'd see what the bi-monthly challenge was on DoCraft. It's been a few months since I looked on there and I had a job remembering my password! But, I got there and loved what I read, so gave it a go. Set by greenhaze (Alma), this is what she said:
"The challenge is to use autumn colours brown, red, gold any colours that reflect the season.
A photo of your choice to reflect the season.
And nine or twelve buttons in autumn colours"
So, what did I do?
I definately used autumn colours ~ yellows and browns mainly
Skeleton leaves in brown
4 photos I took last month
9 buttons in shades of brown
Challenge met, here's the LO
"The challenge is to use autumn colours brown, red, gold any colours that reflect the season.
A photo of your choice to reflect the season.
And nine or twelve buttons in autumn colours"
So, what did I do?
I definately used autumn colours ~ yellows and browns mainly
Skeleton leaves in brown
4 photos I took last month
9 buttons in shades of brown
Challenge met, here's the LO
Title is from the song California Dreamin' by the Mamas and Papas 1966 and printed onto Safmat. Journalling just tells when and where the photos were taken.
Thanks for looking
Take care
Great photos! Like the effect of the skeleton leaves too! Rx
WooooHooooo -Do crafts magazine huh? Which number? Well done you! I love the way the skeleton leaves echo and complement the trees and leaves in the photos.
P.S How long till the next Crafty Muse challenge??? It's seeming like ages....
DoCrafts hey?! Well done you!!! That's fantastic! You must show me this wonderful publication in which you appear! Fabaroonie sister! x
Oh, and I forgot to say...fab l.o. too!! :-D
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