Friday, 18 April 2008

I've Been Tagged

Donna's tagged me with these questions (thanks Donna):

1. If a movie was being made of your life who would you like to be cast to play yourself? And why?
2. You are spending a whole month on a desert island for charity and you have to choose your favourite celebrity to spend the first two weeks with & your least favourite celebrity to spend the second two weeks with, who would they be & why?
3. What are your three favourite crafting products?
4. If you could invent something to do anything what do you think it would be?
5. What are the last three books that you read?
6. Qvc or create & Craft?
7. Docrafts or Dovecraft or DCWV?
8. What is your claim to fame?

My answers are:

1. Dawn French, because she can be funny and serious and is my fave comedienne

2. Dawn French would have to be with me for the same reasons as before. It's difficult picking just one to not be there, but definately Catherine Tate. Imagine hearing "Am I bovvered?" all the time ~ aargh!!!!!

3. Patterned paper/card, my purple crop-a-dile, ribbons (my likes change all the time, but I'm thinking these will always be my top faves)

4. I'd invent a machine that would provide me with any craft item I wanted, when I wanted it and FREE. Would save me having to find room to store all my goodies and I could spend my money on other things. Best of all worlds I reckon LOL

5. I don't read as much as I used to and I've got a bookcase full of books waiting to be read. It takes me ages to get through one, but the book I'm reading at the moment is: Looking for Andrew McCarthy by Jenny Colgan.

6. Create & Craft, but only for the tips and ideas

7. Whatever's on offer usually, if I like it that is?

8. Several years ago I was on hols with my sister at Great Yarmouth. We went to a laser light show put on by Jim Davidson (it was his theatre) and afterwards we went for a drink at his bar. Who should turn round to serve us, but Jim himself. Forget the measuring thingy, he just poured straight from the bottle to the glass. Goodness knows how many measures we got for the price of a single. He's actually a really nice person with a great sense of humour. Ok, maybe not the most glamorous claim to fame, but that's all I've got for you.

I'm passing this on to 5 people:
Tee Juliet Lea Marlou Mellie

Please don't be offended if you're not on this list. I've not tagged you all as maybe one of these people tag you instead.


Ana Baird said...

Thank you for sharing this! You asked me about tips on how to use jump rings. I think the best tip is to open them properly so they won't "loose" their circle shape. I do this using a couple of flat nose pliers one with a fine tip and the other with a thick one and move the in opposite directions; one facing me and the other away from me. Hope this helps. Thank you for always visiting my blog.

Marlou McAlees said...

awww, thanks Sarah, I will get round to it. Thanks for sharing!! :) x

Juliet said...

Thanks Sarah - it's done already! xx